BRiQ Asset Management’s services are broad, from operational to strategic. We take care of your real estate by being on site and providing insight on commercial, technical and administrative matters.

BRiQ Asset Management provides guidance on complex processes, such as stalled sales processes, giving a second opinion or future-proofing a property or portfolio.

BRiQ Asset Management also assists private investors in creating their own property portfolio; to achieve the Asset Management team and Capital Markets team join forces. BRiQ then acts as a fund manager. In line with this service, BRiQ Asset Management also focuses on real estate financing.

Within all service lines, the client comes first and can count on absolute commitment and a great deal of knowledge and experience. We are affiliated with the Dutch Real Estate Platform (NeVaP) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Your partner in real estate is always ready to help you.

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Manuport Logistics moved to the Waalhaven

Broekman Real Estate has recently signed a lease agreement with Manuport Logistics (MPL) for the lease of approx. 390 sq.m. office space located on...

18 Feb
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